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Saturday, August 18, 2007

They call me the Salsa party prognostigator

They call me the party prognosticator ,when people want to know what the weather is going to be like they look for the Ground Hog's shadow, when they want to know what the weather is going to be like they look at the Farmers' Almanac but when they want to know whether a party is going to be big or hot they call GoGo Earl from StuckOnSalsa

I know the salsa on the East coast like the back of my hand If I tell tell you it's going to be big it's going to be big , I can tell you crowd estimate and everything

Tonight's ClaveKazi Grand opening will have over 200 people there at least


This Saturday August 18, 2007 Grand Opening of ClaveKazi New Dance Complex
Social and performances 10 pm until 2 am
Located at 411 NY Avenue NE, 3rd Floor
Featuring, Parking, Air Conditioning, 2 Studios, and 4000 Sq/ft of space. Classes will include Salsa, Bachata, Hip-Hop, Pilates, Belly Dancing, Yoga, and regular socials. this will be the premier spot for the DC Salsa Community!

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