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Tuesday, August 14, 2007



Dear Dr. Salsa , I went to the New York Congress earlier this year and I found out everybody there dances on 2 and since I only dance on 1 I had to try and follow their lead on 2 all night. Don't you think the guys were being rude to me by expecting me to follow them on2 and not lead me on 1? Signed why can't I dance on what I want to

DR. Salsa : Dear why can't I dance on what I want to. I am going to assume you are new to the scene because everybody knows when you are at a New York Congress you dance on 2. You want to dance on what you want to but you don't want any one to dance on what they want to.. That does not seem fair, I do not think guys were being rude by not dancing on 1 with you, I think they were trying to expose you to something they thought you might like .and they were dancing on what they wanted to dance on. Besides if you want to dance on 1, go to the West coast Salsa Congress.

Dear Dr. Salsa : I have recently just realized that I have a salsa addiction and I get mad at my non salsa friends for not going out with me every night of the week and they get mad at me for not wanting to do anything else. It feels like my friends and I are starting to drift farther and farther apart . What can I do? Signed I don't care what my friends think I just want to dance salsa.

DR. Salsa: Dear I don't care what my friends think I just want to dance salsa , hold on. You need to pull your self together before you get in too deep and become a full fledged salsa- holic Can you imagine your life with out real friends, there is more too life than salsa. That's the people who you are hanging out with on the salsa scene will come and go, your real friends are for ever. Salsa is a very transient scene so don' put a lot of stock in the people that you are hanging out with now because they will eventually move on to other things and salsa will not be a part of their life after a while. I am not saying that you will not make new friends on the salsa scene but do not for sake your real friends for salsa . Be fair try to hang out with them in non salsa places and try to get them to hang out with you sometimes at a salsa club but don't try to make them go up to Philly, or Jimmy Anton's or a crazy StuckOnSalsa party

Dear Dr. Salsa : My best friend has joined a dance group and she never goes social dancing any more , she just goes to work and practices , what can I do to get my friend back?

DR Salsa: There us nothing you can do. Hopefully she will realize her salsa addiction for performing is getting out of hand and she will realize that it's nothing better to do than to go social dancing. In the meantime let her do her thing. Also you sound like you have never been in a group before so you really don't know how she feels. You might be the same way if you were in a group so just relax and worry about your self.

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