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Friday, September 26, 2008

Very disappointed in Promoters in DC Salsa scene

Though we had a great turn out a few people who are labeled as leaders in the Salsa community were nowhere in sight . I was asked all night where this person was or where that person was and i would just look around and say I don't know where they are but they are not here .

Except for Cathy Freeman the organizer of the DC Salsa Meet Up Group, Keith Givens Givens and Mr.Mambo not one other promoter from the so called 79 promoters attended the The Movie Screening of La Epoca or showed for the After party with a Live band ad 3 djs all for just 5.00 . We had a great turnout regardless of the promoters not attending.

I call myself Salsa's no1 Fun dealer , I deal fun not drama but I will also address situations that need to be addressed. Maybe it is a reflection of how the promoters feel about me. If that is the reason so be it . All I have dome in the last 5 years is try to help the DC Salsa scene including the promoters that did not show. I was a little hurt at first but I got over it quickly when Franco told me the total of people who came through the door . I happen to be too sensitive a person who sometimes give things thought that should not be given a thought. I am also a very frank person who says what is on my mind . In the end I don't want any one to come to my events that don't want to be there.

I will do anything for anybody in the Salsa scene that is reasonable and I am a very loyal person, but in return i expect reciprocation . Unfortunately for me I can be very petty and it takes me a while to get over situations when I feel that I am crossed . I have attended and supported every one here. Those days are over.

But looking back on the last 5 years except for a few promoters they have never supported any of SOS events so why should I be surprised at this event.

The DC Salsa Community is in disarray right now . Promoters do not respect each other or support one another . It is total chaos , yes economy is playing a big part on the lack of attendance at events but all the drama has an effect as well . I have been told that I am one of the one's who creates all the drama . They will say me posting this on my Blog is creating drama.

I will say whatever . I am just stating facts and if facts cause drama then I am one of the people who are creating drama

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