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Thursday, August 30, 2007

The perfect dance?

People ask me all the time do I have one dance that I remember more than any that I have ever have?. My answer to that is no. I have danced with no exaggeration, some the best salsera's in the world and I each great dance was different. I don't believe for me there will ever be the perfect dance because the dance is always evolving. Am I searching for the perfect dance? No I want to dance with as many different ladies as possible and if I stumble across the perfect dance then so be it. I do have a have a top ten list in no particular order though. I am getting chills running down my spine thinking about all the great salsera's from all around the world that I will dance with and meet at the New York Salsa Congress this weekend

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good question about the perfect dance. I liked this blod post and I have commented on it in my own blog...check it out at:
