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Friday, February 22, 2008

So you want to be a promoter?

If people knew what I knew the last thing they would want to be is a salsa promoter. It is a thankless job and one of the hardest jobs there is . Some one is always complaining and there is hardly any money to be made in it because of the expenses. One of the good things about being a salsa promoter is you get to choose who plays the music and that is what the party is all about.

I must say I have met thousands of people and have had a great time in my 5 years of Salsa Promoting and if I had a choice of doing it all over again , I would .

I have promoted parties and cruises where people from all over the world have attended and it has been a fabulous experience. I have also made life time friends and learned so much about salsa dancing.

In future posts . I will post the dos and don'ts of being a salsa promoter for those who are crazy enough to become one so they will not make all the mistakes I made .

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