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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Review of Mano the movie short

Since I was literally on the set of The making of Mano the Short and have talked to Tony almost daily from the beginning of the project , I know everything he has had to go throught to make this vision and dream come true, This was a project of tremendous undertaking and I have to say I am so impressed with the outcome and so proud of Tony Nardolillo for what he has accomplished.

A dancer is going to have their take and a novice is going to have their take.

Every one has their views on how they would have done something and I think that's great but the great thing about this project was that Tony did it his way.

He has a whole story written , but had to compact it into 23 minutes, which is a very hard thing to do. I think he and his crew came out with a project that wants people to see more . Yes you wanted to see more of the dancers and maybe you wanted more scenes from the child hood but again it was onlly 23 minutes , I think they came up with a great short. I also thought the musical score was great .

I look forward to working on the real movie once it goes into production. I want to give a special shout out for Tony recognizing the talent of PsyonMaurico and bringing me along for the ride for comic relief. It wa

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